Monday, December 22, 2008

they voted for change

As I was browsing the smoking gun website catching up on some funny gossip I stumbled across the top 20 mugshots of the year. Here is #1...

In case you can't tell they are all wearing Obama shirts or stickers. It bothers me that the person we have elected appealed to criminals, am I the only one? Now, even though I may not have voted for him, I willing to give him a chance, everyone deserves a chance, but for some reason this picture is bothersome. If you would like to view the other mugshots which are pretty funny, here is the website

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

mad at the world

Sorry for the small picture again, but if you click on it I'm sure it will enlarge. If I remembered to scan it at home instead of work then it would look a lot nicer. That's our baby girl apparently irritated because if I'm not mistaken she's flicking us off. I can't blame her though, the ultrasound tech was not pleasant and I was in a bad mood due to having to try and get her to move around to see her spine.
My husband has started the trip home today, yay! They are on a bus returning from Fort Polk, so he should be home sometime tomorrow morning, although I won't see him until I get off of work. I have tried to super clean the house while he's gone so that he can see that he's the one who makes it so messy and I was a bit bored and lonely and needed something to occupy my time.
I'm very excited for Christmas, as usual and have finished my shopping about a week ago. The only problem I have is not telling people what I got them or making Chris open presents early! Only 15 more days, hopefully I can make it that long, although I have already asked him if he would like to have his Christmas stocking when he gets home. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

brief update

Sorry as usual I couldn't really think of a catchy title, but I'm going to touch on a few subjects so this is suitable enough.

First, we have definitely gotten used to the idea that we are going to have a daughter! I said to Chris the other night that we only have four months of just us because after she comes there will be years of always having a child or children around, which I'm totally okay with. I have started to feel her kicking, moving or whatever it is she's doing in there and I can't really explain how it feels, but it's kinda neat. I'm sure in a month or two when she's kicking my ribs and it's hurting I won't think it's so neat.

Second, HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!! I have been listening to 98.7 all day at work which isn't unusual but they are doing a salute to veterans and the stories are really touching. It amazes me that people actually give up their lives to serve our country while so many people take their freedom for granted. I'm not going to rant on about how selfish and stupid people are when they make their military remarks or even take the everyday freedoms we have for granted, but just remember that someone, somewhere gave their life for what you have today. I'm extremely proud of my husband for joining the Army and proud of the fact that he has stayed in so long when I see the things he puts up with everyday, no matter how bad our office jobs can be they never compare.

Lastly, we have our Christmas tree up and decorated and it makes my little heart so happy! I absolutely love Christmas and the whole Christmas season and decided last week to put up our tree and we finally decorated it last night. It looks great in our living room because our angel isn't banging her head into the ceiling anymore. Maybe I will actually remember to take a picture of it and post soon. For now enjoy the photo I found on the internet.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

no more it

We found out Friday that we are going to have a little girl! :) As much as Chris had warmed me up to the idea of having a little boy I secretly was hoping that I would have a girl. Don't get me wrong I would be just as happy to have a little boy, but now I definitely have someones hair to do and lots of pink to put her in! We also went and registered on Friday after we were pleasantly surprised, so you can now view my registry at Babies R Us, although I'm making numerous changes daily.
I will leave you with these two ultrasound pictures, enjoy! Okay I lied, I'm only posting one because they are small and I can't fix them.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

rue who?

Is anyone familiar with Rue La La? This morning on Elliot in the morning he mentioned them and now I'm determined to get in. I really have no idea what they sale, but I must find out. I need a member to invite me though because I cannot sit on a waiting list, I just don't have the patience. I know I should be patient but that's something that I generally lack. Someone, somewhere invite me already!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Just as good as I remember

It's no secret that I love Diary Queen's cotton candy blizzards, but the Diary Queen by my house no longer carries them. After having a rough evening and morning I was pleasantly surprised to come into work and receive a LARGE cotton candy blizzard from a co-worker of mine. The blizzard is delicious, sweet and yummy. Thanks Nicole you made my day!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

makeover time!

I was bored at work, surprise and stumbled across the website and I found it quiet amusing. You upload a picture of yourself and goes thru the years as to how you might look. I'm pasting a picture from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000. I had a little trouble finding a picture close to the rest size and because my face is tilted a little I could use any of the pictures with glasses as I looked like someone just knocked them off my face!

I have to say that I can remember people definitely having bangs in 2000, but these seem a bit extreme. My favorite picture is the 90's with the puffy hair, hoop earrings, and I think my face fits in the spot the best! Hope you enjoy!
P.S. I decided to give my blog a mini makeover to match the theme.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

baby romig!

Here is the most recent ultrasound picture of the baby! We had an appointment on Friday and they said everything looks great and the baby is measuring right on time. Due date is March 24, 2009 (I'm a little over 11 weeks). My stomach is definitely starting to grow and my regular waist pants and skirts are no longer comfortable. Morning sickness is awful as I experience mostly at night, but yesterday I had it all day, yuck! I keep reminding myself it will all be worth it once the baby is here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


work sucks! why can't i be independently wealthy and not have to work for a living? pray that i win the lottery so i can tell work to shove it!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

moving day is almost here

Disregard the last post, Fort Belvoir housing is a bunch of morons and we now have a newer, nicer house to move into. They are coming to pack us up tomorrow and move us on Friday!! I have been told that there is a weight limit (it is apparently based on your rank) hopefully we don't go over this because then we will have to pay. I only mention this because when the guy came to do the pre-move inspection to see how much stuff we had, he said we had a lot. After that I decided we could get rid of something things so I donated 6 bags of stuff to the Lupus foundation. Whoever invented that these charities come to your house and pick up your donations is a genius, I love it!
Also, I have a doctor's appointment on August 4, hopefully it will be followed with good news!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We will not be moving on Fort Belvoir. They called us today to tell us the current tenants have decided not to vacate the property that we were scheduled to move into in 2 weeks! We are now homeless. We gave our landlord notice quiet some time ago, so now the search begins.

Monday, July 7, 2008

brief update

Happy Belated 4th of July! I hope everyone had wonderful cook-outs and great fireworks to watch. My niece Audrey James was born on Wednesday July 2, so I think I might call her a little firecracker from now on, especially if she takes after her mother. Our 4th was uneventful, just had a cook-out with the family and set off our fireworks.
Saturday we went to see The Lion King at the Kennedy Center and it was AWESOME!!! It totally surpassed all my expectations and Chris' too. I'm not sure why but in the beginning when the animals are all walking in and they are singing "The Circle of Life" I got a little teary, it was touching although I'm not sure why.
We bought a Mac on Saturday and I think this is probably one of the best purchases we have made in quiet some time. Our old computer was a piece of garbage and took forever to do anything, so the Mac is a pleasant change. I would compare the old computer to a 1990 something Hyundai, not reliable and you never know when it's going to stop running on you and the new computer to a nice, shiny Lexus, definitely an upgrade.
First RESOLVE meeting is tomorrow night, I'm a little skeptical, but also looking forward to going and hearing everyone story.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

goodbye hoodbridge

We FINALLY got a house on Fort Belvoir! We don't have any interior pictures because people are currently living there, but here is the floor plan. It also has a 2 car detached garage, yay!

Friday, June 13, 2008

i hate everything about you

I hate you Tricare. I hate the fact that I have never seen the same doctor twice. I hate that the doctor's must read my file in front of me to know what is going on. I hate that you never have my blood test results on time. I hate that I have to make appointments at least two weeks in advance and still wait for over 30 minutes to be seen. I hate pretty much everything about you.

It's Friday the 13th. I'm a very superstitious person so this is not a day that I look forward to. I don't want to see any black cats, walk under any ladders, see a hat on a bed, walk with one shoe on, break a mirror, or spilt a pole. It's probably best if I just don't come into contact with anyone today. Wish me luck!

Friday, June 6, 2008

members only

I joined DQs Blizzard fan club for two reasons a) so I could get a coupon for a free blizzard, b) so I could vote for my favorite flavor in hopes they will keep cotton candy around longer than this one month! :) Everyone else should go to their website and vote for cotton candy too

Monday, June 2, 2008

i have been waiting for you

Dairy Queen has brought back the Cotton Candy blizzard! It's one of my two favorite things mix together, soft serve ice cream and cotton candy. If you haven't experienced this tasty goodness yet, I highly recommend getting in your car immediately and driving to DQ to purchase the largest size you can!

I couldn't find a picture of the blizzard so this will have to do.

Friday, April 11, 2008

we need a new house

We have been living in our current townhouse for over two years now and it's time for a change. I tell people that we have outgrown it which is ridiculous since there are only two of us plus Louie and our townhouse is two floors with three bedrooms, but last night sealed the deal. We went to bed with the windows open since the weather is so nice to be awoken at 12:27 am to gunshots outside!!! In the past year things have started going downhill in our neighborhood to include: armed robberies, spray painting doors and cars, etc. There were 12 rounds fired and needless to say it woke us up, so Chris called the non-emergency number to inform them they might want to send some police to check out the surrounding area. We have decided that we are going to try and move onto Fort Belvoir. They have new housing which include two car garages, maple cabinets, energy efficient appliances, and safety. They don't have any openings in the new neighborhoods (as of today) but we are going to continue checking in.

For all my non-military family members and friends to visit me you will have to get a pass to come on base and have your car searched, sorry for the inconvenience, but I feel my safety is worth it! See picture below for future home (hopefully!)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

boil, boil, toil and trouble

Sorry that's the only catchy quote I could think of to describe the Crawfish Boil!

So we have started planning the crawfish boil again this year and I'm hoping that there's no rudeness like last year. Again it's on my turf, so I will have no problem letting this particular female know if she's out of line, but I have seen her a few times since and she steers clear of me. Other than this one female, I'm thinking everything will be great as long as the weather cooperates! It's at a new location which will provide more room for the guest, but there should be great food, good beer, and fun times to be had.

I had another trip to Walter Reed on Monday. The procedure was very uncomfortable, imagine the worst cramps you've ever had and then some and you might come close to how I felt. Chris' visit on Tuesday went well, everything checked out normal for the both of us, so one more blood draw on the 14th and back to Walter Reed on the 24th to see how to proceed - keep your fingers crossed.

Work has been the same this week, nothing exciting, but I'm getting very annoyed with people not doing their job and it being tasked to me. I don't want to find these guys long-term apartments, I'm not a leasing agent, why can't someone else do it?! I have made some headway, but accounting is taking way to long to fill out the proper paperwork.

The hubby and I are trying to plan another trip back to New Orleans. We are hoping to go down there around May 10 so we can celebrate Nan's birthday and I can meet the few family members that I haven't gotten a chance to meet. Speaking of in-laws, can I get some new ones? I'll keep my husband, but others just drive me crazy and I don't know how much longer I will be civil to them.

P.S. I have been enjoying the wine and warm weather! Sorry I have tried to add my favorite things to the side or at least other blogs, but apparently I'm blog retarded.

Friday, March 28, 2008


So... I have decided to try this blog thing. I don't have a lot that goes on or at least not worth writing about. Updates might be minimal.

Thank god it's Friday! I arrived at work this morning after having to stop at 7-Eleven in Little Mexico also know as Manassas and buy a quart of oil because the jerks didn't put my oil plug in tight and my oil has been leaking out for the past two weeks. Don't worry I'm stopping by the shop on the way home to have them fix this problem. I chose to stop at this 7-Eleven because last Friday when I stopped at the Exxon by my house I filled up my gas tank and started to drive away when someone pounded on my trunk. I know that like many other young females I have received those forwards that talk about crazy men kidnapping women by pretending to hit their car, of course this is the first thought that crosses my mind. I cracked my window to see what the guy wanted and he handed me one of his "business cards". I couldn't even read his name, but his title said something along the lines of entertainment industry, as I look at this guy I'm think this is some joke. He proceeds to tell me that I looked real nice and he wanted to take me out on a date that weekend, I asked him if he was serious and that's why he pounded on my car?! He said that he wanted to get my attention before I left so I threw my hand up and told him I was married, threw his business card out of my window, and drove off. Now, you can understand why I would be hesitant to stop there again.

Little Mexico's 7-Eleven was not much better as you can imagine by the location. I felt like I was at one of those car shows except I was the model and I was uncomfortable. I don't mind when gentlemen offer assistance, but I don't like it when they stand around and stare, make catcalls, make unwanted advances, etc. I'm fully capable of popping my hood, unscrewing the lid for the oil and pouring it in. I was happy to be done and speed off to work.

After having these experiences, I have begun to not expect much out of Friday's. Oh how today how surprised me! I boot up my laptop and find a message from a co-worker stating she has a package for me and to come to her office when I get in. I start getting excited because this particular co-work has given me an occasional bottle of wine before and so this is what I'm thinking the package could be. I enter her office and she tells me to grab my car keys and she would meet me by my office. We go down to the parking garage and she gives me almost a case of wine!!! 10 bottles to be exact! I knew there was a god. On that note I'm expecting a great weekend. Cheers!
Glass of wine??