Friday, April 11, 2008

we need a new house

We have been living in our current townhouse for over two years now and it's time for a change. I tell people that we have outgrown it which is ridiculous since there are only two of us plus Louie and our townhouse is two floors with three bedrooms, but last night sealed the deal. We went to bed with the windows open since the weather is so nice to be awoken at 12:27 am to gunshots outside!!! In the past year things have started going downhill in our neighborhood to include: armed robberies, spray painting doors and cars, etc. There were 12 rounds fired and needless to say it woke us up, so Chris called the non-emergency number to inform them they might want to send some police to check out the surrounding area. We have decided that we are going to try and move onto Fort Belvoir. They have new housing which include two car garages, maple cabinets, energy efficient appliances, and safety. They don't have any openings in the new neighborhoods (as of today) but we are going to continue checking in.

For all my non-military family members and friends to visit me you will have to get a pass to come on base and have your car searched, sorry for the inconvenience, but I feel my safety is worth it! See picture below for future home (hopefully!)

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