So... I have decided to try this blog thing. I don't have a lot that goes on or at least not worth writing about. Updates might be minimal.
Thank god it's Friday! I arrived at work this morning after having to stop at 7-Eleven in Little Mexico also know as Manassas and buy a quart of oil because the jerks didn't put my oil plug in tight and my oil has been leaking out for the past two weeks. Don't worry I'm stopping by the shop on the way home to have them fix this problem. I chose to stop at this 7-Eleven because last Friday when I stopped at the Exxon by my house I filled up my gas tank and started to drive away when someone pounded on my trunk. I know that like many other young females I have received those forwards that talk about crazy men kidnapping women by pretending to hit their car, of course this is the first thought that crosses my mind. I cracked my window to see what the guy wanted and he handed me one of his "business cards". I couldn't even read his name, but his title said something along the lines of entertainment industry, as I look at this guy I'm think this is some joke. He proceeds to tell me that I looked real nice and he wanted to take me out on a date that weekend, I asked him if he was serious and that's why he pounded on my car?! He said that he wanted to get my attention before I left so I threw my hand up and told him I was married, threw his business card out of my window, and drove off. Now, you can understand why I would be hesitant to stop there again.
Little Mexico's 7-Eleven was not much better as you can imagine by the location. I felt like I was at one of those car shows except I was the model and I was uncomfortable. I don't mind when gentlemen offer assistance, but I don't like it when they stand around and stare, make catcalls, make unwanted advances, etc. I'm fully capable of popping my hood, unscrewing the lid for the oil and pouring it in. I was happy to be done and speed off to work.
After having these experiences, I have begun to not expect much out of Friday's. Oh how today how surprised me! I boot up my laptop and find a message from a co-worker stating she has a package for me and to come to her office when I get in. I start getting excited because this particular co-work has given me an occasional bottle of wine before and so this is what I'm thinking the package could be. I enter her office and she tells me to grab my car keys and she would meet me by my office. We go down to the parking garage and she gives me almost a case of wine!!! 10 bottles to be exact! I knew there was a god. On that note I'm expecting a great weekend. Cheers!

Thank god it's Friday! I arrived at work this morning after having to stop at 7-Eleven in Little Mexico also know as Manassas and buy a quart of oil because the jerks didn't put my oil plug in tight and my oil has been leaking out for the past two weeks. Don't worry I'm stopping by the shop on the way home to have them fix this problem. I chose to stop at this 7-Eleven because last Friday when I stopped at the Exxon by my house I filled up my gas tank and started to drive away when someone pounded on my trunk. I know that like many other young females I have received those forwards that talk about crazy men kidnapping women by pretending to hit their car, of course this is the first thought that crosses my mind. I cracked my window to see what the guy wanted and he handed me one of his "business cards". I couldn't even read his name, but his title said something along the lines of entertainment industry, as I look at this guy I'm think this is some joke. He proceeds to tell me that I looked real nice and he wanted to take me out on a date that weekend, I asked him if he was serious and that's why he pounded on my car?! He said that he wanted to get my attention before I left so I threw my hand up and told him I was married, threw his business card out of my window, and drove off. Now, you can understand why I would be hesitant to stop there again.
Little Mexico's 7-Eleven was not much better as you can imagine by the location. I felt like I was at one of those car shows except I was the model and I was uncomfortable. I don't mind when gentlemen offer assistance, but I don't like it when they stand around and stare, make catcalls, make unwanted advances, etc. I'm fully capable of popping my hood, unscrewing the lid for the oil and pouring it in. I was happy to be done and speed off to work.
After having these experiences, I have begun to not expect much out of Friday's. Oh how today how surprised me! I boot up my laptop and find a message from a co-worker stating she has a package for me and to come to her office when I get in. I start getting excited because this particular co-work has given me an occasional bottle of wine before and so this is what I'm thinking the package could be. I enter her office and she tells me to grab my car keys and she would meet me by my office. We go down to the parking garage and she gives me almost a case of wine!!! 10 bottles to be exact! I knew there was a god. On that note I'm expecting a great weekend. Cheers!
"Little Mexico" LOL! That's Manassas all right! Funny you mention the unwanted attention- I had plans to write about how I'm constantly accosted on the streets of DC!
Tell your coworker I can take some additional wine off her hands if need be...
lemme guess, lou! you are accosted by greenpeace, dc democrats, pirg, planned parenthood, and the homeless "maybe on the way back, sister, maybe on the way back!"
You can usually find me putting oil in my car at the Target parking lot. I feel kind of ghetto when I do it but at least there is no harrassment.
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